Topic outline

Grade 9 & 10

Strand Unit            Grade 9 Topics                       Grade 10 Topics  
1. Reading

Reading for All Purposes: Key Ideas and Details


•    Identify strong and thorough textual                evidence

•    Research strategies

•    How theme is developed in the text –               Textual organization

•    Characterization – Complex characters

•    Textual evidence

•    Content analysis

•    Thematic analysis

•    Factors affecting language use.


Craft and Structure


•    Contextual Meanings – Figurative and            connotative meaning

•    Author’s choices concerning how to                  structure a text

•    Comparing and contrasting different              point of views

•    Interpreting contextual meanings

•    Text structure and cohesion

•    Meanings contained in points of          view


Integration of Knowledge and Ideas


•    Analyse the representation of a subject

•    Analyse argumentative text

•    Analyse increasingly complex text

•    Thematic analysis

•    Evaluating text types

•    Interpreting complex text

•    Evaluating contextual arguments

•    Thematic analysis

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

•    Critical reading

•    Evaluation and understanding of texts          types and their Functions

•    Make sense of multiple perspective and        pluralistic views

•    Small letters

•    Critical reading

•    Interpreting multiple                              perspectives

2. Writing

Text Types and Purposes


•    Elements of narrative texts

•    Narrative techniques

•    Composing plots of texts

•    Writing informative essay

•    Essays, editorials, journals, brochures

•    Composing an informative essay

•    Argumentative essay – Identifying                  topics  and ideas

•    Argumentative essays – Writing the                body

•    Narratives (Descriptive words              and phrase)

•    The conclusion

•    Informative essay (Precise                    grammar and vocabulary)

•    Informative essay (Style and                tone)

•    Informative essay (Writing a                conclusion)

•    Argumentative essay (Supporting       details)

•    Argumentative essay (Vocabulary        usage)

•    Argumentative essay (Style)

•    Argumentative essay                              (Conclusion)


Production and Distribution of Writing


•    Developing main ideas and subordinate        ideas

•    Study of writing process 1

•    Study of writing process 2 –                              Introduction, Body, Conclusion

•    Study of writing process 3 – Writing              Practices

•    Study of writing process 3 – Writing              Practices

•    Argumentative essay                              (Conclusion)

•    Writing rubrics – Paragraph                  development.

•    Writing a final draft

•    Writing process – Parts of essay

•    Writing process – Referencing

•    Publishing writing products

•    Analysis of source material


Research to Build and Present Knowledge


•    Research

•    Writing survey reports

•    Research – Gathering information from         different sources

•    Writing research report

•    Research

•    Research – Validating information

•    Note – Taking – Validating                    information

•    Synthesizing information

•    Writing research report

•    Research for evidences

Range of Writing

•    Writing portfolios 1 – Appropriate                  grammar

•    Writing portfolios

•    Research – Validating                            argumentative statements

•    Writing portfolios

3. Listening Oral Instructions Comprehension

•    Effective listening – Discourse markers

•    Oral speeches, story-telling, play                      recordings.

•    Instructions and procedures

•    Active listening

•    Multi-step directions

•    Listening and comprehending:            Song lyrics


Identify Main Ideas and Supporting Details of Spoken English


•    Listening techniques – Main ideas

•    Listening techniques – Supporting                  details

•    Listening for details

•    Main idea-Simple expository                information

•    Main idea-Simple oral                            presentation


Determine Speaker Attitude and Point of View

Comprehend the Meaning of Oral Academic and/or Specialized Vocabulary

Making Inferences and Predictions

•    Non-verbal communication

•    Making inferences

•    Academic vocabulary I

•    Specialized vocabulary I

•    Academic vocabulary II

•    Simple predictions I

•    General predictions

•    Inferences and predictions

•    Non-verbal communication-                Body language

•    Analysing non-verbal                              communication

•    Specialized vocabulary

•    Literal meanings

•    Cognates

•    Figurative meanings


•    Simple predictions –Spoken                 material

•    Predictions-Extended material

•    Inferences

4. Speaking

Fluency and Pronunciation


•    Speech/Oral messages

•    What is a conversation?

•    Identifying main ideas of longer,                      routine messages

•    Understanding spoken                          instructions

•    Steps in writing an effective                  speech


Speaking Using Appropriate Grammar and Vocabulary


•    Identifying main ideas of longer,                      routine messages

•    Main ideas and supporting details of              simple fiction

•    Identifying details of brief,                    routine messages

•    Purpose of simple expository                Information

•    Identifying main ideas of simple          oral presentations


Speaking for Varied Purposes, Both Informal and Formal


•    Identifying formal and informal                      language

•    Body language in oral messages

•    Identifying the speaker’s tone and                  attitude

•    Interpreting body language

•    Formal and informal language

•    Oral presentation

Comprehension and Collaboration

•    Defining academic vocabulary using              context clues

•    Defining specialized vocabulary using            context clues

•    Identifying high-frequency academic              vocabulary

•    Specialised vocabulary in context

•    Literal and non-literal meanings

•    Using cognates to comprehend            new vocabulary

•    Figurative meanings and                        idiomatic phrases

5. Communication Interpretive Listening

•    Extended speech

•    Critical listening

•    Underlying meaning – literal and        figurative

•    Language use and meaning


Interpretive Reading


•    Viewpoints

•    Making predictions and inferences

•    Newspaper article analysis

•    Main ideas and supporting details

•    Literary & technical styles for              complex text

•    Point of views

•    Content relevance

•    Understanding idiomatic                      expressions

Interpersonal Communication

•    Conduct interviews in role play/fluency        in communication

•    Connect and express ideas in                             conversation

•    Justify to persuade

•    Impromptu speech

•    Interpersonal communication


Presentational Speaking


Presentational Writing

•    Short oral presentation

•    Explain viewpoints of an issue

•    Impromptu speech

•    Expressing Ideas clearly

•    Write well-organized piece of writings            (Summaries)

•    Basic research skills

•    Narration (Describing reactions)

•    Synthesizing information

•    Using quotations and                              expressions  in writing

•    Timed writing

•    Persuasive essay

•    Creative writing


6. English


English Grammar


•    Parallel structure.

•    Semicolons, conjunctive adverbs and               independent clauses

•    Colon

•    Spelling

•    Phrases and clauses

•    Conjunctions

•    Hyphens.

•    Editing own work using all                    conventions of spelling

Knowledge of Language

•    Reading and comprehension

•    Written composition – Personal                      experience

•    Reading comprehension

•    Editing using a style manual

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

•    Vocabulary usage

•    Using contextual clues to determine                meanings

•    Parts of speech (and sentence elements)

•    Figurative language

•    Different types of figures of speech                 (euphemism, oxymoron)

•    Nuances

•    Writing skills

•    Contextual clues to interpret                 meanings

•    Conventions of pronunciation

•    Inferred meanings checked                  against context clues

•    Figurative language

•    Figures of speech (euphemism,            oxymoron)

•    Nuances

•    Writing Skills – Essay                            (Argumentative)

1. Number, Operation and Computation

Chapter 1.1 Number & Operation

·   Use and represent factors, multiples, primes, composites, in various forms and situations.

·   Calculate fractions, decimals and percentages and their conversions.

·   Solve problems involving ratio and proportions between quantities.


Chapter 1.2 Estimation

·   Estimate a reasonable solution to a problem using rounding and estimation and recognize their limitations through calculation methods.

·   Interprets very small and very large units of measurement, uses scientific notation, and rounds to significant figures


Chapter 1.3 Directed numbers

·   Use appropriated rules of directed number and mixed operations to solve authentic problems.

·   Explain the concepts of negative and positive numbers using various representation.


Chapter 1.4 Indices and surds

·  Performs operations with indices

·  Determine the relationship between square numbers and square roots and solve related problems.

·   Performs operations with surds


Chapter 1.5 Ratio and proportion

·    Apply ratios, proportions and percent to represent the relationship between two quantities

·    Recognises direct and indirect proportion, and solves problems involving direct and indirect proportion


Chapter 1.6 Rates

·   Investigate very small and very large time scales and intervals.

·   Explain representation of tables and graphs of rates.

·   Solve problems with rates and interpret related graphs


Chapter 1.7 Exponentials

·   Add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers with positive and negative exponents.

·   Solve problems involving square root, cube root and so on.

·   Use the definition of logarithm to establish and apply the laws

2. Geometry, Measurement and Transformation

Chapter 2.1 Perimeter, Area and Surface Area

·    Calculates the perimeter and area of plane figures and composite shapes

·    Calculates the surface areas of prisms, cylinders, cones, pyramid, spheres and related composite solids


Chapter 2.2 Volume

·    Applies formulas to calculate the volumes of composite solids composed of prisms, cylinders, cones, pyramids, spheres and related composite solids


Chapter 2.3 Geometry

·    Explain the concepts of parallel lines, perpendicular lines, angles, and angles sum of polygons

·    Use the enlargement transformation and the conditions for triangles to explain similarities and solve problems.

·    Perform transformations including reflections, rotation and translation and describe the size, position and orientation of the resulting shapes.

·    Investigate angles formed by chords and tangent of a circle.


Chapter 2.4 Properties of Geometrical Figures

·    Describes and applies the properties of similar figures and scale drawings

·    Calculates the angle sum of any polygon and uses minimum conditions to prove triangles are congruent or similar

·    Proves triangles are similar, and uses formal geometric reasoning to establish properties of triangles and quadrilaterals


Chapter 2.5 Circle Geometry

·    Applies deductive reasoning to prove circle theorems and to solve related problems




Chapter 2.6 Trigonometry

·    Investigate and Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to solve problems

·    Investigate sine, cosine and tangent ratios for a given angle in right‐angled triangles.

·    Apply trigonometry to solve right‐angled triangle problems.

·    Solve right‐angled triangle problems including those involving direction and angles of elevation and depression.

·    Establish the sine, cosine and area rules for non-right-angled triangle and solve related problems


3. Patterns and Algebra

Chapter 3.1 Financial Mathematics

·    Apply the skills of managing money in authentic situations

·    Demonstrate the concepts of simple and compound interest

·    Solve problems involving simple interest and compound interest even by using appropriate digital technologies

·    solves financial problems involving earning, spending and investing money


Chapter 3.2 Number Patterns

·    Represent a variety of patterns, including recursive patterns, with tables, graphs, words and symbolic rules.

·    Identify and Apply appropriate mathematical formulae to find values of various patterns.

·    Solve various problems on number patterns.


Chapter 3.3 Algebraic Techniques

·    Simplifies algebraic fractions, and expands and factorises quadratic expressions

·    Selects and applies appropriate algebraic techniques to operate with algebraic expressions


Chapter 3.4 Equations

·    Solves linear and simple quadratic equations, linear inequalities and linear simultaneous equations, using analytical and graphical techniques

·    Solves complex linear, quadratic, simple cubic and simultaneous equations, and rearranges literal equations


Chapter 3.5 Linear Relationships

·    Determine the slope and equation of a line when given the graph of a line, two points on the line, or the equation of the line.

·    Determines the midpoint and length of an interval

·    Uses the gradient-intercept form to interpret and graph linear relationships

·    Apply and interpret linear relation modeling practical situations.


Chapter 3.6 Linear and quadratic equations

·    Solve simple linear and quadratic equations using a range of strategies.

·    Describe, interpret and sketch parabolas.

·    Explore the connection between algebraic and graphical representations of relations such as simple quadratics and straight lines using digital technology as appropriate.


Chapter 3.7 Equations and Inequality

·    Solve linear simultaneous equations, using algebraic and graphical techniques including usage of digital technology.

·    Investigate and solve single variable equations and inequalities using rational numbers and use number line to graph the solutions.

·    Solve and sketch linear and quadratic inequalities with two variables using algebraic methods, manipulative or models.


Chapter 3.8 Polynomials

·    Recognises, describes and sketches polynomials, and applies the factor and remainder theorems to solve problems


Chapter 3.9 Logarithms

Uses the definition of a logarithm to establish and apply the laws of logarithms


Chapter 3.10 Functions and Other Graphs

Uses function notation to describe and sketch functions

4. Statistics and Probability


Chapter 4.1 Data and statistics

·    Explore data by constructing stem and leaf plots, box plot and comparing sets of data.

·    Analyse and interpret data using mean, median, mode, range and frequency

·    Calculate and analyse the measure of dispersions.

·    Design a study, collect data, and select the appropriate representation to make conclusions and generalizations.


Chapter 4.2 Probability

·    Compute simple probabilities using appropriate methods such as lists and tree diagrams or through experimental or simulation activities.

·    Identify complementary events and use the sum of probabilities to solve problems.

·    Describe events using language of ‘at least’, exclusive ‘or’ (A or B but not both), inclusive ‘or’ (A or B or both).

·    Calculate probabilities for simple events under different relationships, including independent events, dependent events, with replacement and without replacement procedures.





Grade 9

Grade 10


1. Science as inquiry

Unit 9.1 Scientific Tools and Technology

–        Science Journal

–        Balances, Scales and Pulleys

–        Microscope

–        Scientific Research Skills

Unit10.1 Scientific Tools and Technology

–   Lab Report

–   Scientific Calculator

–   Telescope

–   Scientific Research Skills


Unit 9.2 Measurement and Accuracy

–        International System of Units (SI)

–        Telling Locations

–        Controls and variables

–        Using mathematical functions in science

–        Importance of hypothesis and or misconceptions in science classes

Unit10.2 Measurement and Accuracy

–        Scientific Notations

–        Telling Time and Space in Relation to Natural Phenomena

–        Geological Maps

–        Sources of Error

–        Using Mathematical Functions in Science

–        Theories that can be proven as Mistaken or Fraudulent


Unit 9.3 Classifying Organisms

–        Kingdoms of Living Things

–        Classification of Plants

–        Classification of Animals

Unit 10.3 Classifying Organisms

–        Reproductive System

–        Inherited Traits

–        Transferring Genetic Information


Unit 9.4 Cell Structure and Function

–        Plant Cell and Animal Cell Structures

–        Cell Division in Plants and Animals

–        Cell Transportation in Plants and Animals (Diffusion & Osmosis)

–        Photosynthesis and Respiration

–        Tissues and Organs in Plants and Animals

Unit 10.4 Cell Structure and Function

–        Tissues in Plants and Animals

–        Organs in Plants and Animals

–        Circulatory System

–        The Musculoskeletal System

–        Nervous System

–        Endocrine System


Unit 9.5: Interactions and Relationships in the Environment

–        Food Chains and Food Webs

–        Plant and Animal Adaptations

–        Species, Population and Habitats

Unit 10.5 Interactions and relationships in the environments

–        Cycles in the Biosphere

–        Earth’s Ecosystems

–        Biodiversity and Succession


3. Physical Science

Unit 9.6 Matter and Energy

–        Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter

–        Acids, Bases, and their Applications

–        Forms and Transformation of Energy

–        Energy and Work

–        Atoms, Elements and Compounds

–        The Periodic Table

Unit 10.6 Matter and Energy

–        Solubility

–        Heat Transfer and Thermal Conductivity of Materials

–        Systems and the Law of Conservation of Energy

–        Chemical Reactions and Equations

–        Elements and Chemical Bonds

–        Work and Simple Machines


Unit 9.7 Force and Motion

–        Common Forces and their Characteristics

–        Forces and Effects

–        Newton’s First and Second Laws of Motion

–        The Buoyant Force

10.7 Force and Motion

–   Balance and Unbalance Forces

–   Newton’s Second and Third Laws of Motion

–   Fluid Force


Unit 9.8 Waves, Electricity and Magnetism

–        Nature and Properties of Waves

–        Interaction of Waves with Matter

–        Properties of Sound

–        Light as Energy

–        Electric Charges and Forces

–        Magnets and Magnetic Field

Unit 10.8 Waves, Electricity and Magnetism

–        Mechanical Waves

–        Electromagnetic Waves

–        Sound Waves

–        Properties of Light

–        Electrical Current and Circuits

–        Magnets and Electric Current


4. Earth and Space

Unit 9.9 Our Earth

–        The Earth’s Structure

–        The Earth’s Atmosphere

–        Waters, Seas/Oceans and Currents

–        Weathering and Erosion

–        Evidence of Our Past

Unit 10.9 Our Earth

–     The Rock Cycle

–     Minerals and Fossil Fuel

–     Natural Hazards

–     Causes and effects of Plate Tectonics


Unit 9.10 Weather and  Climate

–        Local/PNG Weather Systems

–        Climates and Seasons

Unit 10.10 Weather and Climate                      

–     Global Weather Systems


Unit 9.11 Space Science

–        Earth, Moon and Sun

–        The Eclipses

–        The Sun and the Planets

Unit 10.11 Space Science

–     The Solar System and Beyond

–     Space Equipment, Usage and Functions


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