Topic outline

Grade 11 & 12

Strand Units Grade 11 topics Grade 12 topics
1. Reading

Reading for All Purposes: Key Ideas and Details


•    Textual Evidences

•    Text Analysis

•    Reading for specific information

•    Identifying explicit and implicit arguments

•    Thematic Analysis

•    Character Analysis (Characterization)

Craft and Structure


•    Literal and Underlying Meanings

•    Text Structure and Cohesion

•    Compare and Contrast different                points of views

•    Interpreting meanings contextually

•    Text Analysis

•    Identifying different points of views

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas


•    Integrate and evaluate content

•    Evaluating textual features (Thesis          statement, arguments and evidence)

•    Thematic analysis

•    Integrate and evaluate content

•    Evaluating textual features (Thesis                      statement, arguments and evidence)

•    Thematic Analysis

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity ·   Critical Reading

•    Critical reading


2. Writing

Text Types and Purposes


•    Developing controlling ideas                      (narrative paragraph).

•    Narrative text – Paragraph                          development

•    Narrative structures, rubrics and              style

•    Writing narrative texts

•    Writing patterns in informative texts

•    Informative essay – Appropriate              language features

•    Argumentative Essay –                                Brainstorming ideas

•    Developing supporting arguments

•    Writing an argumentative text

•    Narrative techniques (dialogues)

•    Narrative language features – Descriptive,        figurative and sensory language

•    Narrative structures – Grammar,                          mechanics and clarity

•    Narrative – Writing a conclusion

•    Informative texts – Techniques of writing

•    Informative essay – Appropriate language          features

•    Establish and maintain a formal style.

•    Informative text/ essay – A conclusion

•    Argumentative essays – Developing a                  content

•    Argumentative Essay – Using appropriate          transitions

•    Argumentative Essays – Precise Vocabulary

Production and Distribution of Writing


•    Writing Techniques – Rubrics of              writing

•    Writing narratives

•    Using literacy features in writing

•    Writing Rubrics – Coherence,                    cohesion, clarity, interest

•    Conventions of writing interest

•    Standard English conventions                (sentence structure, usage and                   punctuation).

•    Research Skills (Data collection)

•    Citation of electronic sources

•    Practical Writing

•    Writing techniques – Rubrics of writing

•    Writing process

•    Informational, literary and persuasive                writing

•    Implementing the writing process

•    Writing styles

•    Paragraph development

•    Researching skills – using print media and          internet

•    Integrating electronic information

Research to Build and Present Knowledge


•    Researching skills – Conducting a            survey

•    Data analysis

•    Writing a Research Report

•    Research from the internet and                electronic sources

•    Integration of multiple information

•    Citing evidence-based sources

•    Paragraph development

•    Research skill – Collecting data

•    Validating arguments and claims

•    Writing a Research paper

•    Research Skills – Using internet and                    electronic resources

•    Paraphrasing skills

•    Analyzing arguments and claims

•    Summarizing ideas

•    Portfolio Writing

Range of Writing

•    Research

•    Validating information

•    Writing a research paper

•    Evaluating view points

•    Writing a Research paper

3. Listening

Oral Instructions Comprehension


•    Oral directions-media presentations

•    Multi–step directions

•    Routine oral direction

•    Multi step oral direction

•    Extended messages I

•    Extended messages I

•    Expository information

Identify Main Ideas and Supporting Details of Spoken English

•    Main idea-routine message

•    Main idea-simple fiction

•    Main idea-simple expository                      information

•    Routine messages

•    Main idea-simple expository information

•    Main idea-simple oral presentation

Determine Speaker Attitude and Point of View

Comprehend the Meaning of Oral Academic and/or Specialized Vocabulary

Making Inferences and Predictions

•    Non-verbal communication-body            language

•    Non-verbal communication-tone             and voice quality

•    Academic vocabulary

•    Specialized vocabulary

•    High-frequency vocabulary words

•    Predictions (with support)

•    Inferences

•    Predictions (without support)

•    Non-verbal communication-body language

•    Non-verbal communication-tone and voice        quality

•    Predictions

•    Specialized vocabulary- Jargon

•    Literal meanings

•    Cognates

•    Figurative meanings

•    Effective listening

•    Predictions

•    Inferences

•    Listening comprehension

4. Speaking

Fluency and Pronunciation


•    Formal oral presentation (media              style).

•    Iterating multiple step directions

•    Responding to oral directions

•    Directions in unfamiliar situations

•    Identify extended messages in different             contexts

•    Identifying details of extended messages in        familiar or unfamiliar contexts

•    Identifying main ideas in expository                     information

•    Identify main ideas in media texts

Speaking Using Appropriate Grammar and Vocabulary


•    Identify arguments in oral messages

•    Identify main ideas of simple fiction

•    Identifying routine messages in                familiar contexts

•    Main ideas in longer messages

•    Identifying main ideas and details of simple expository information

•    Identifying main ideas in simple oral                  presentations

Speaking for Varied Purposes, Both Informal and Formal


•    Behaviors in non-verbal                              communication

•    Interpreting body language

•    Identifying and/or Describing                  speakers’ tone

•    Comparing and contrasting non-verbal               communication techniques

•    Interpreting and predicting non-verbal              messages

Comprehension and Collaboration

•    Recognizing frequently used grade          level academic vocabulary

•    Jargons as specialize vocabulary

•    Comprehension of academic                      vocabulary

•    Using specialized jargon in a variety of                contexts

•    Identifying literal meanings of words

•    Using cognates to develop comprehension

•    Identifying figurative meanings of words            and idiomatic phrases

5. Communication



Interpretive Listening


•    Listening for specific information

•    Main ideas (concrete and abstract            ideas)

•    Speaker’s perspective, tone, style              and different views

•    Critique using inferences and                    predictions

•    Features of language variations

•    Main ideas from extended discourse

•    Inferences and prediction

•    Attentive listening

Interpretive Reading


•    Making inferences of literary                    elements: Plot

•    Vocabulary strategy; denotative and        connotative meanings, and author’s        purposes

•    Topic sentence – main idea and                 supporting details

•    Defining meaning from contextual          clues

•    Draw conclusions from reading texts

•    Connotation, hidden meanings and tones

•    Abstract and colloquial non-literary writing

•    Discourse, register, style and regional                  variation (Written language)

Interpersonal Communication


•    Interview

•    Formal and informal register

•    Personal perspective and                             supporting details

•    Evidence-based oral articulation

•    Research skills – evaluate                          information

•    Presenting arguments

•    Detailed oral and written texts

•    Negotiation skills

•    Communication -Group discussions

•    Communication -Oral presentations (Oral          response to literature)

•    Express or defend viewpoints or                            recommendations

•    Communication – Group discussions (Big          groups)

•    Language for lifelong learning

•    Oral presentation

•    Oral presentation – persuasive speech

•    Oral presentation –problem-solving                    presentation

Presentational Speaking


•    Oral presentation – speech

•    Oral presentation – informative                speech

•    Defend a viewpoint

•    Impromptu presentation

•    Narrative and informative                          presentations, and oral response to          literature

•    Use context clue to understand                meanings of idioms

•    Oral presentation – informative speech

•    Oral presentation – descriptive speech

•    Oral presentation – narrative speech

•    Oral presentation – oral summary (Book-          talk).

•    Oral presentation – of original work                    (poems, plays, reports, etc.)

Presentational Writing

•    Unity, coherence and transition in            writing

•    Revising, editing and proofreading          skills

•    Synthesizing and summarizing                  information

•    Incorporating figurative language            (metaphors, simile and                               personification) in writing

•    Narrative writing and editing skills

•    Evaluate and refine draft

•    Poetry writing

6. English


English Grammar


•    Conventions of usage – writing

•    Conventions of usage – speaking             (pragmatics)

•    Descriptive texts

•    Hyphenation conventions

•    Editing

•    Conventions of usage – writing

•    Conventions of usage – speaking

•    Punctuation

•    Grammar – parallel structure (parallelism)

•    Editing

Knowledge of Language


•    The use of syntax

•    Syntax – its application to complex          texts

•    Syntax

•    Meaning creation in reading and listening

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

•    Vocabulary – determining                          meanings of unknown and multiple         words/phrases (lexicology)

•    Meaning and context (pragmatics)

•    Figurative speech

•    Nuances

•    Using vocabulary appropriately (in          reading and writing)

•    Using vocabulary appropriately (in           speaking and listening)

•    Parts of speech

•    Vocabulary – defining meanings and                  articulation of words

•    Inference – contextual determination of            meanings of words and phrases

•    Irony/metaphor

•    Similes/onomatopoeia

•    Using appropriate vocabulary in context

•    Content use and application of specialized          vocabularies or jargons.

1. Number, Operation and computation

Chapter 1.1 Basic Numeracy

·        The real number system

·        Recurring and Non-Recurring Decimals


Chapter 1.2 Algebraic techniques

·       Index laws and surds

·       Basic properties of surds

·       solving quadratic equations using the quadratic formula and by                completing the square and factorization.

·       Simplifying algebraic expressions involving fractions


Chapter 1.3 Logarithms and exponentials

·     Introduction to logarithmic functions

·     Introduction to exponential functions

·     Logarithmic laws and applications

·     Solving problems involving logarithms

·     Graphs and applications of exponential and logarithmic functions

·     The exponential function and natural logarithms


Chapter 1.4 Number and operations

·        Introduction to complex numbers

·        Operations with Complex Numbers

·        The Argand Diagram

·        Conversion of complex numbers in different forms

·        Operations with complex numbers and De Moivre’s Theorem

·        Quadratic Equations and Complex Numbers

2. Geometry, Measurement and Transformation

Chapter 2.1 Measurement

·        Conversion, Scales and dials

·        Length, Mass and Capacity


Chapter 2.2 Trigonometry and measure of angles

·        Trigonometric ratios

·        Sine rule

·        Cosine rule

·        Area of a triangle

·        Angles of elevation and depression

·        Bearings

·        Problems in two and three dimensions

·        Application of Trigonometry

·        Radians and degrees

·        Arc length and area of a sector


Chapter 2.3 Trigonometric functions and identities

·        Defining the reciprocal trigonometric functions

·        Sketching the reciprocal trigonometric functions

·        Exploring trigonometric identities

·        Given a trigonometric ratio and a domain, find another                                trigonometric ratio

·        Solving trigonometric equations

·        Relationships and sketching of trigonometric functions

·        Sum and Differences of Identities in solving trigonometric                         problems

·        Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions

·        Authentic Problems with sine functions


Chapter 2.4 Vectors 

·        Definitions and Representation of vectors

·        Arithmetic operations on vectors

·        Velocity vectors


Chapter 2.5 Geometry

·        Angles and Polygons

·        Geometric Proofs

·        Circle geometry


3. Patterns and Algebra

Chapter 3.1 Introduction to functions

·     Introduction to functions and relations

·     Exploring the domain and range

·     Investigating odd and even functions

·     Working with composite functions

·     Exploring intercepts


Chapter 3.2 Linear, quadratic and cubic functions

·        Features of linear functions

·        Gradient of straight line

·        Direct variation

·        Applications of linear functions formulae

·        Parallel and perpendicular lines

·        Distance of a point from a line

·        Further applications of linear functions

·        Features of the parabola

·        Graphing the parabola

·        The discriminant

·        Finding equation of a parabola

·        Introduction to simultaneous equations

·        Solving simultaneous equations graphically and algebraically

·        Features of cubic functions


Chapter 3.3 Further functions and relations

·        Introduction to and features of polynomials

·        Investigating hyperbolic functions

·        Investigating absolute value functions

·        Solving absolute value equations

·        Graphical transformations


·        Establish the circle as a relationship, not a function

·        Derive the equation of a circle

·        Sketching Circle Relationships from an Equation

·        Completing the square review

·        Using the complete the square technique to determine the                          standard equation for the circle


Chapter 3.4 Graphing techniques

·        Exploring transformation

·        Sketching graphical transformations (polynomial, hyperbolic,                   absolute value, exponential or logarithmic functions)

·        Using graphical methods to solve practical problems

·        Solving inequalities by graphical methods


Chapter 3.5 Introduction to differentiation

·        Continuity and finding limits numerically, graphically and                          algebraically

·        Gradients of tangents

·        Difference quotients

·        Formalising differentiation from first principles

·        Applying rules for differentiating power

·        Sketching derivative functions

·        Applying the product rule

·        Applying the quotient rule

·        Applying the chain rule

·        Determining the equations of tangents and normal

·        Finding the velocity and acceleration


Chapter 3.6 Differentiation of trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions

·        Investigating the limits of  

·      Informal construction of the gradient of

·      Finding derivatives of expressions involving  and

·        Derivatives of exponential functions

·        Derivatives of logarithmic functions

·        Derivatives of the trigonometric function


Chapter 3.7 Differential calculus

·        The first and second derivatives

·        The first derivative and stationary points

·        The second derivative and concavity


Chapter 3.8 Applications of the derivative

·        Solving derivative problems

·        Solving optimisation problems (Maxima & minima)


Chapter 3.9 Integration

·        Definition of Area under the curve

·        Rules of Integration

·        Anti-derivatives and indefinite integrals

·        Integrals of Trigonometric and exponential functions

·        Integrating to determine a function

·        Application – Area of Curves


Chapter 3.10 Modelling investments and loans

·        Modelling compound interest and annuities


Chapter 3.11 Arithmetic sequences and series

·        Introduction to sequences and series and the nth term of an                       arithmetic sequence

·        The sum of n terms in an arithmetic sequence or series

·        Solving problems involving arithmetic sequences and series


Chapter 3.12 Geometric sequences and series

·      Introduction to geometric sequences and the th term of a                           geometric sequence

·        The sum of n terms in a geometric series

·        Limiting sum of a geometric series


Chapter 3.13 Financial applications of sequences and series

·        Solving problems involving compound interest

·        Solving problems involving time repayments

·        Solving problems involving savings and superannuation


Chapter 3.14 Binomial Theorem

·        Pascal’s Triangle

·        Factorial, Permutation and Combination

·        Introduction to Binomial Theorem and its properties

·        The coefficient of the nth term in the binomial expression

·        The nth term of the binomial expression


Chapter 3.15 Determinants

·        Introduction to Determinants

·        Determinants of a two by two system

·        Determinants by three by three system

·        Solution to systems of linear equation using determinants

4. Statistics and Probability

Chapter 4.1 Data (grouped and ungrouped) and summary statistics

·        Classifying data

·        Organising, interpreting and displaying data

·        Measures of central tendency and spread

·        Statistics in the media

·        Boxplots

·        Pareto charts

·        Cumulative frequency distribution tables and graphs

·        Identifying outliers

·        Describing, comparing and interpreting distributions


Chapter 4.2 Bivariate data analysis

·        Constructing scatterplots

·        Pearson’s correlation coefficient, r

·        Modelling linear relationships

·        Using a line of best fit to interpolate and extrapolate


Chapter 4.3 Probability and Venn diagrams

·        Calculating probability experiments and simulations

·        Representing multi-stage events in probability

·        Venn diagrams and set notation

·        Theoretical and Experimental Probabilities

·        Mutually and non-mutually exclusive events

·        Independent and dependent Events and Conditional Probability

·        Solving problems involving conditional probability


Chapter 4.4 Discrete probability distributions

·        Introduction to discrete probability distributions

·        Generating probability distributions

·        Expected value and the mean

·        Expectation theorems

·        Introducing and calculating variance

·        Calculating the standard deviation


Chapter 4.5 Continuous random variables




Grade 11 Grade 12
1: Science as Inquiry

11.1.1   Quantities and Measurement

–   Quantities and Units

–    Dimensions, Significant Numbers and Scientific  Notations

–    Error Analysis

–    Measuring Instruments

–    Graphical Representations of Data and Information

–    Scalars and Vectors


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2: Physical Science

11.2.1   Kinematics (Motion)

          –  Objects in Motion

          –  Characteristics of Motion

          –  Describing Motion

          –  Free Fall

           –  Projectile Motion


11.2.2   Dynamics (Force and Motion)

             –  Force

             –  Vector calculations of force

             –  Applications of Newton’s Laws

             –  Circular Motion

             –  Simple Harmonic Motion

             –  Linear Momentum


11.2.3   Energy and Motion

             –  Work

             –  Energy and Work

             –  Simple Machines

             –  Mechanical Power


11.2.4    Electricity

              – Electrostatics

              – Electricity

              – Ohm’s Law

              – Resistors

12.2.1      Fluid Mechanics

               –   Pressure and Density

               –   Static Fluid

               –   Fluid Dynamics

               –   Heat and Temperature 


12.2.2      Thermal Physics

               –   Heat transfer and capacity

               –   Temperature in quantity of gas

               –   Laws of Thermodynamics


12.2.3      Waves

               –   Wave Motion

               –   Water Waves

               –   Light and Electromagnetic Spectrum

               –   Sound Waves


12.2.4     Electromagnetism

               –   Magnetic Fields and Forces

               –   Electromagnetic induction and Power Transmission

               –   Laws of Electromagnetism

               –   Electric Motors and Generators


Grade 11 Grade 12

Strand: Matter and Energy


Unit 11.1-Application of Physical Processes


-Behaviour of gases

-Pure and impure substances

-Separation of mixtures

-Solubility of solids and gases in water


Unit 11.2-Chemical & Metallic Bonding

-Electron shell diagrams of atoms and ions

-Trends in periodic table

-chemical bonding

-Metallic bonding


Unit 11.3-Types of Chemical Reactions

-Indicators of chemical changes

-Types of Reactions

-Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions

Strand: The Nature of Science


Unit 12.1Masses, Moles and Concentration (Stoichiometry)

–        Isotopes

–        Relative formula mass and percentage                                  composition

–        Moles

–        Empirical and Molecular formula

–        Stoichiometry

–        Solutions


Unit 12.2 – Acids, Bases and Salts    

–      Common acids and bases

–      Properties of acids and bases

–      Strong and weak acids

–      Dissociation constants and pH calculations

–       Acid-base titration to detect the end point
         (volumetric analysis)


Strand: Earth and Space


Unit 11.4-Energy and Reaction Rates

-Factors affecting rates of reaction

-Energy diagrams

Strand: Earth and Space


Unit 12.3 – Electrochemistry

–      Electrolysis

–      Galvanic cells



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Strand: Life and Living


Unit 12.4 – Carbon Compounds 

–      Homologous series

–      Hydrocarbons

–      Alcohol

–      Aldehydes

–      Ketones

–      Carboxylic acids and esters


Unit 12.5 -Natural resources and chemical industries                         in PNG 

–      Crude oil

–      Metallic ores

–      Production of ethanol

–      Production and uses of vegetable oils

–      Traditional chemical practices

–      Industrial chemical pollution




Grade 11 Grade 12
1: Science as Inquiry

11.1.1   Scientific Inquiry

–        Introduction to Biology

–        Scientific Method


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2: Life

11.2.1   Living Things

–     Cells

–     Classification Principles

–     Origin and Diversity


11.2.2 Microbiology

–        Microbes

–        Occurrence and Behaviours

–        Impacts on Host Species

–        Prions and Viroids

–        Treatment & Preventions of Diseases

          caused by Microbes


11.2.3 Nutrition

–        Autotrophic Nutrition

–        Heterotrophic Nutrition


11.2.4 Respiration and Circulation

–        Gas Exchange in Plants

–        Circulation and Gas Exchange in Animals


11.2.5      Support Systems

–     Tropism in Plants

–     Defence System

–     Reproduction System

–     Nervous System

–     Endocrine System


12. 2. 1   Population         & Ecology

–  Biomes & Habitats

–  Interactions

­-  Population

–  Humans and the Environment


12. 2.2    Genetics

–  Genes & Chromosomes

–  Inheritance

­-  Mutations

–  Biotechnology Techniques





12.2.3   Evolution

–  Theories Mechanisms of Evolution

–  Evidence of Evolution

­-  Mutations

–  Biotechnology Techniques



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