
Ms. Barbara Anatau
She has been teaching for the last 34 years and she has enjoyed an extensive career teaching subjects in the field of science and Physical Education. Ms. Anatau is an expertise in educating young adolescents. She finds inspiration in moulding a human life and so she uses any opportunity to contribute to the development of human resource and the country with a good character and competence.
Speaks: English, Pigin
Teaches: Science
Preferred Student
Elementary Education
Primary education
Secondary Education
Level of Students
Work Experience
- Was awarded Teacher of the Year five times at Kopkop College.
- Held different administrative roles as HOD science, SRS Advisor, school special events committee member, Deputy principal secondary, mentor to students and teachers at Kopkop College from 2008 – 2022.
- Coordinator and mentor to female students’ meetings at Kopkop College from 2019 – 2022.
- Participated numerous times in marking grade 10 National examinations.
- Initiated and encouraged Science Fair at Kopkop College
- Taught physics, chemistry and biology to the first grade 11 intakes at Kopkop College in 2011
- Took charge of 20 grade 10 students of Kopkop College to Kavieng to witness the opening of Kopkop Kavieng Campus in 2010
- Pioneer teacher at Kopkop College in 2008 when it started its secondary school status transiting from Bambi primary school
- Acting deputy principal at Kainantu high in 2005 as well.
- Senior Subject Mistress and School Assessment Coordinator at Kainantu high school from 2002-2005
- Coordinated and organized out of the province excursions for students at Kainantu high school in 1999 and 2000.
- Subject Mistress PE at Kainantu high school from 1999 – 2001
- EHP schools’ Athletics Team Manageress taking charge of athletes for competitions within and outside of the province from 1997 – 1999
- TIC PE at Kainantu high school from 1997 – 1998
- TIC PE at Holy Name High School – Dogura from 1990 – 1991
- Subject Mistress Science at Rintebe Lutheran High School from 1993- 1995
- Attended two weeks Physics conference at UPNG in 1994
Qualifications & Certifications
Goroka Teachers College
Diploma in Secondary Education teaching Science and Physical Education.
Short courses in IT, Moodle LMS, First Aid and Emergency
Subjects Taught
Science, Physics, Chemistry and Biology
- Encourages scientific thinking
- Develops scientific literacy
- observing qualities
- Lesson Planning.
Let’s Learn Together!
+675 75241414
Working hours
Monday – Friday
8AM to 5PM
Fly River Haus – Ground Floor,
Lot 63, Section 24, Gabaka Street
Gordons Industrial Area,
P.o Box 1723, Vision City, NCD
+675 75241414
+675 3254677